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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Rush: GOP Must Confirm Kavanaugh or Kiss Midterms Goodbye

RUSH: So Chairman Grassley has a job to do here, because if he gives Democrats enough time, they’ll produce a woman claiming to be Kavanaugh’s secret Russian wife who Trump paid to urinate on that bed in Moscow...

If Grassley doesn’t get a handle on this and just do — and I’ll tell you something else, which everybody also knows. If the Republicans do not get this vote taken and have Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye. You can kiss goodbye holding the House and you can kiss goodbye holding the Senate. Because whatever the Democrats think of their base, the one thing I know that if you guys fold on this and cave and keep bending over backwards… You’ve done that enough. You’ve demonstrated that you don’t hate women.

You’re never gonna hear from her! She’s never gonna show up. She’s not telling a story that can be verified, Senator Grassley. She’s not gonna show up. If you guys don’t conduct this vote in defiance of all this and if Avenatti gets one foot in the door to a Senate committee to start telling his story, then you can kind of kiss good-bye Republican chances in the midterms in November.



  1. Hold the committee vote - then send it to the chamber for a full up or down...The voters really don't care about the accuser any more now - they have seen through the serial obstructionism of the dumbocrats!

    They'll lose more voters by caving to the dumbocrats than by telling them to bugger off!

  2. I agree. The Republicans have allowed the Democrats to "bully" / intimidate them and has shown no backbone. Paul Ryan has never put in the Wall in his budget and enforced it. The House is responsible for the drawing up of the Budget. Trump should veto this Budget if the vote on Kavanaugh is not taken this week.

  3. Watch the Stock Market if Kavanaugh does not get confirmed and the Trump vetos the budget after a negative vote this week. Then you can thank the "bully" Democrats.

  4. i completely agree. They are a bunch of wet noodles.

  5. I disagree with this statement. If it doesn't get done the Democrats can kiss their behinds goodbye for such a dishonest process. We all know this charade is due to the democrats.

  6. I agree with him. Only 10 warriors in the Republican Party the rest are total zombie wimps. The more they wait the worse it will get. Ford will never go under oath and never give a statement to the police. Never. It's all bs. Democrats have won again probably. Sick.

  7. It is time to tell this corrupt lying sniveling dumbocrats to go back to the slime pit they walked out of.

  8. No need to tell police. Limitations statute kicked in long ago.


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