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Monday, September 17, 2018

Right-Wing War On The Press Actually Threatening Reporters' Safety

President Donald Trump’s “enemy of the people” rhetoric is putting the lives of American journalists at risk, Mother Jones’ Mark Follman reported Thursday, citing comments from law enforcement leaders and top security officials at two major news outlets.

Trump’s years of vicious invective — echoed by his allies at Fox News — are bearing fruit. Reporters are facing a surge in bomb and death threats, organized harassment, online publication of their personal information (“doxxing”), and threatening mail sent to their home addresses, Follman’s sources warn. One security director at a major television news network told Follman that the threats spike when Trump rails against the network by name, with the harassers often using Trump’s “fake news” language, and that they are primarily aimed at journalists who report on the White House and the Trump-Russia probe — the very targets of the president’s ire.

This heightened fear of violence against reporters will certainly continue throughout Trump’s tenure as president. There’s no indication that he will ever stop demonizing journalists — this is a deliberate strategy to discredit them for political gain that he has continued employing even after a man was arrested for threatening to murder reporters while using Trump’s anti-press rhetoric. But there’s reason to fear that even after Trump is no longer president — especially if he wins re-election in 2020 — his party will continue down the same path. Naked, vicious hostility to the press could become a central plank of the Republican Party, turning elevated concerns about potential violence into the new normal.

Trump’s ascension to the Republican presidential nominee was opposed by a broad cross-section of the party’s establishment. But since he became president, that opposition has almost entirely dissipated.



  1. Well if the reporters would report the facts instead of their opinions they would be treated better.

  2. It wasn't me. How about you?


    That's the sound of swamp things being flushed down !!!

    Middle America is tired of the dishonest media and politicians who are in the pockets of big business. President Trump is our representative and is doing what he was elected to do MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !!!

  4. oh!1 I guess we wont talk about cnn defending ANTFA... Obama started all this divide

  5. it's not called the MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA for nothing!

  6. GOOD! let them die! Lying bastards!

  7. Look to their employers being the problem.

  8. First of all, the only violence happening is by the Left's ANTIFA thugs and all the resistance demonstrators at the peaceful Trump rallies. So, when WORDS are the Right's weapon, and reasonable discussion and calling a spade a spade is looked upon as "violence" and puts the presstitutes "in fear for their lives", it just shines sunlight on their mental illness that is Liberalism.

    Sorry I'm not sorry.

  9. As ye sew, so shall ye reap...

  10. They should be harmed...If the people of Germany in the 1930's had stepped up against their propaganda media maybe a lot of death could've been avoided.

  11. Journalism is the only enterprise where the customer is alway wrong.



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