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Saturday, September 22, 2018

REVEALED: China & ANC Communists to Split White Land in South Africa

Globalists ready to pillage the country

Simon Roche, suidlanders.org, gives an update on land theft and white genocide by the BLF (Black First, Land First), EFF & ANC in South Africa and plans by corrupt politicians to sell stolen land to the communist Chinese government.


  1. Same plan for America

  2. 10:50 I agree. Is that what's happening in California?

  3. As above, through BLM and Soros. They can’t beat Capitalism on merit. They have to infect it with their Socialist poisons. It reminds me of how Obama said he was a “Constitutional attorney”. Well, he was, but his specialty, focus and intent was how to SUBVERT the Constitution and create workarounds to get by the law. Trump should literally imprison and investigate his whole administration. Holder, Jarrett, Podestas, Hillary... everyone in federal lockup for questioning about the crimes they committed.
    Notice how China will not allow Islam to infect their society. Russia uses it as a weapon when they choose. Neither are importing millions of equatorial migrants into their country. There’s good reason. The communists are having them imported here to splinter and destroy our society. They have Democrats to do their bidding!


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