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Thursday, September 13, 2018

'Pussy Hat' Design Withdrawn After Activists Insist Some Women Have Penises

An Irish woman has withdrawn the “pussy hat” knitting pattern which she had posted online as a service to fellow female protesters preparing for President Trump’s visit to Ireland in November: woke activists had pointed out to her that some women have penises, not vaginas.

I won't be making pussy hats. I'm deleting the pattern I posted. I am really sorry for upsetting people, I've read, listened and learned and while it was not intentional it was thoughtless. I will make some hats with yellow roses instead.

— Katherine Nolan (@DoChara) September 2, 2018

Katherine’s noble, thoughtful, caring decision has been respected by some:

If there is one thing you are not it is thoughtless! If you’re taking orders for yellow rose hats I’d love one.

But not, unfortunately, by everyone.



  1. No wonder this world has gone to SH!T

  2. HOW about Trump Hair Hats ?????????

  3. 4:22 - Yep!! Thought the exact same thing.

  4. They can't use penis hats because too many men have them, defeating the whole purpose of the purposeless movement.

  5. I just spent 37 seconds of my life wondering how f.#!$ how insane the left is becoming.....


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