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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pudding Pops


  1. Yet they remove or have tried to remove President Donald Trumps. Must be that black privilege!

  2. What a sad ending to a remarkable career!
    I looked up to him as well the black community as a prime example of how hard work can bring success. He was the moral compass for most of us.

    I feel sad for him. He's had just about everything taken away from him for what he did with his money and power over others for sex!

    What he did was wrong and he should be punished, but I also feel that some of this was consensual from a few gold diggers who wanted to move ahead in their careers.

    The is a war on against all men. This will not end well.

  3. The man broke the law over and over he is no longer a success, hardworking, or an example of a good black man, he deserves nothing he took away the esteem of women who were just living or trying to live and not being taken advantage of by a drug pusher without their knowledge, slipping things into their drinks or food. PERVERT! I HOPE HE GETS HIS IN PRISON.

  4. The big question Bill was it all worth it

  5. All men are pigs. Some worse than others - some better.
    Cosby was the worst. The worst possible, and rightly so needs pay a hefty penalty.
    I will thank him for one thing, though.
    No matter how bad a day I'm ever having, I think of Cosby and remind myself that things could be much worse.
    I could be spending what may be the rest of my twilight years - my life - in a prison.
    The fall from the top of that celebrity ladder and the lifestyle to which he was accustomed must be devastating beyond belief for that man. I hope they have him on a suicide watch.

    1. Why can't we do that to Hillary. She could never survive without her Chardonnay.

  6. He will be in the Golf Course Celebrity section of the Prison .....Don't worry for him !!!! Certainly on PC too !!

  7. He already Lived a Rich & Pampered life so he Got Away with
    it Anyway !!! Fact

    He will be out soon on Good behavier ....bet on it !! Fact

  8. Have a Coke and a smile Bill, or maybe some pudding. Just watch out for fat Albert in your cellblock.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All men are pigs. Some worse than others - some better.
    Cosby was the worst. The worst possible, and rightly so needs pay a hefty penalty.
    I will thank him for one thing, though.
    No matter how bad a day I'm ever having, I think of Cosby and remind myself that things could be much worse.
    I could be spending what may be the rest of my twilight years - my life - in a prison.
    The fall from the top of that celebrity ladder and the lifestyle to which he was accustomed must be devastating beyond belief for that man. I hope they have him on a suicide watch.

    September 26, 2018 at 3:48 PM

    Lord, biased much? So you hate all men. Ok. That makes me believe everything you say and want to hear more wisdom from you.

    Ok, that's a lie. I don't believe you and I can't hear any wisdom from you since you don't have any.

    And if all men are pigs, I guess that would be because all men came from sows?

  10. September 26, 2018 at 3:48 PM:

    Wow, what a man-hater you are! I know a few other women like you. The good news is there aren't many like you. I find most that I have met have "attractiveness" issues. And that's the best way I can say that. Seriously, its their way of rejecting men, before they reject them.


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