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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Police: MS-13 Member Entered Young Girl’s Bedroom, Raped Her

An alleged MS-13 gang member entered an 11-year-old girl’s bedroom in Brooklyn, New York, and raped her, police announced Saturday.

Police said Julio Cesar Ayala, 18, a Salvadorean national who lived in the area, allegedly broke into the girl’s apartment building on Wednesday at 11:30 p.m. by climbing onto the roof and entering through an opening on the second floor before raping her, the New York Post reported.

Officials say he escaped out the window while she screamed for her mother—who rushed to help her.

The mother called the authorities but was not able to get a good view of the attacker. Police, however, were able to obtain images of the suspect through video surveillance footage.



  1. Send them too Maxine and Chuck's area .

  2. And if you had shot this illegal, you would be goign to jail not the illegal, who is raping people...

  3. They take what they want and Americans resist POTUS throwing out the trash. Unreal!

  4. Maybe he should have an accident ..you know he fell off the roof

  5. He did fall 8:02, he fell naked on top of the girl and nature happened. It was no rape, same thing happens around here, no rapes in Salisbury, just ask the Mayor.


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