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Monday, September 24, 2018

Police believe DC jogger was targeted for race when she was stabbed seven times by man high on K2

The homeless man charged with the first-degree murder of a Washington DC bride-to-be as she jogged two blocks from her home, may have been motivated to kill her because of her race.

Anthony Crawford, 23, was arrested after the stabbing of Wendy Martinez, 35, on Wednesday and a report states the slaying may have happened because the attacker didn't like white people.

'Investigators looking into possibility murder of jogger Wendy Martinez might have been “racially motivated.” Suspect Anthony Crawford “does not like white people.” Also has history of mental illness and K2 addiction.' wusa9.com reporter Bruce Leshan tweeted Friday.



  1. Anthony Crawford, 23, was arrested after the stabbing of Wendy Martinez, 35, on Wednesday and a report states the slaying may have happened because the attacker didn't like white people.

    Well since he didn't like white people this won't go anywhere. Notice no mention of "Hate Crime."

  2. They do it, it's because of a mental illness. Whites do it, they were sane. And yeah, there is no mention of a hate crime even though he has said he hates whites. I guess now, it's laws for them and laws for us. This will not last very long. We need to stand up to such ignorance.

  3. So I guess you two bozos are just going to ignore key facts in order to stoke your preconcieved notions:

    #1 Martinez was Latina. You know, a part of that group that came over here to freeload on welfare while taking all of your jobs.

    #2 Clearly the info regarding potential racial motivation is included because the cops are exploring a potential hate crime connection. But I guarantee they wont waste much time unless they have a confession on the race-based argument because dude is already going away for life for the actual murder. Makes more sense to book him and move on to the next case.

    #3 As a user of hard drugs he clearly is mentally ill. Perhaps you guys should take a look at the effects of K2

    Look, the 1st amendment secures your right to your opinion. But atleast hold up your end of the bargain by having an informed opinion.


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