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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Pelosi: Dems Will Win House Because Some Republicans Aren’t ‘Going to Fight Us’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) revealed on Monday evening that she thinks Democrats will take back the House this year in part because there are some establishment Republicans who are not interested in fighting Democrats to keep control of Congress.

When Christiane Amanpour asked Pelosi in an interview that aired on PBS about whether Democrats can take back the House of Representatives, Pelosi said that Democrats “would win overwhelmingly” if the election were held today.

“But I do think that there are Republicans out there who… I’m not saying they support us, but I’m saying they’re not going to fight us,” Pelosi added after predicting that “so many excellent women candidates across the country” are leading the way for Democrats.



  1. Women power is not the answer. I'm female and the best person who can do the job should be elected. Not because of gender or race.

  2. Does anyone actually believe that any Republicans will support any of the Socialist Democrats polices. Let's see: immediate tax increases, open our borders to accept anyone,kowtow again to Iran and China, reduce the military. It just isn't going to happen. America is recovering very well from eight years of Socialist Barack Obama to fall back into that trap.I believe that Blue Dog Democrats and Independents will support the Republican ticket in the November election. I believe that Socialists Nancy Pelosi, Chucki Schumer, Maxine Walter,Hilary Clinton (yes, she's still around)are in for a surprise. I believe that the Maryland Democratic Socialists Party are also in for a surprise. Can anyone list the members of the Maryland Democrat Party? Come on now don't be bashful. I'm sure Joe is not afraid to print their names.John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

  3. She doesn't know squat. This instead is an unintended reminder to Conservatives to shake the bushes and get out to vote. Thanks, Nancy!

  4. Unfortunately she is correct. Check the numbers in Wicomico County and you will see how many lazy ass Republicans stayed home!


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