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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

OPINION: Just Do It — Boycott Nike

Fall is usually a great time of year. We stop fighting each other over politics and race and go back to not liking each other because of what football team we support.

Oh, wait — now the NFL has combined the two, and there is no respite.

As a result of feckless national anthem protests and Nike deciding to pay muddled malcontent Colin Kaepernick millions to be the tattooed face of the company, viewership of the NFL is down another 13 percent. After being down last year when all this began, NFL viewership is now at a 10-year low.

The numbers are particularly down in the South. We lead the country in football and love of country, followed closely by meth, diabetes and obesity. But SEC football is king. And the only reason Southerners kneel at a football game is if our bourbon flask falls out of our sock.



  1. boycott ALL professional sports.

  2. F*** the NFL and God bless the South


  3. Nike is permanently off my shopping list and won't be accepted as gifts. Been buying and using since the 70s.

    NFL is on double secret probation. Haven't watched a down since last Super Bowl, and I'm content with that. Has opened up big blocks of weekend time and kept cash in my pocket that used to go to food and drink establishments (they're kind of innocent victims, but until the food and drink firms put the squeeze on NFL they'll think they can dodge us. Incorrect assumption!)

  4. I boycott Nike every time I see their price tags. Overrated like Under Armour. I prefer others' merchandise anyway.

  5. Agree totally just confused why we haven’t been boycotting because of the sweat shop issue🤔


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