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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Obamacare Requirement Blamed For Doctor Burnout

A government requirement in the massive Obamacare law is being blamed for the burnout of doctors across the United States. A new report found that over just three years as Obamacare was being implemented, “physician burnout increased significantly, from 45.5 percent to 54.4 percent.”

The report published in the American Journal of Medicine found that the electronic health records (EHR) is destroying the relationship between doctors and patients. The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom charges the Obamacare requirement that doctors use electronic health records has caused a surge of burnout in the medical profession, explains Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin. “The EHR is causing doctors to leave their patients,” said Twila Brase, the president of CCHF and the author of “Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.”

“Congress forced doctors to buy and use computerized record systems to collect and report patient data to the government. And it’s wreaking havoc on their practices and their patients,” said Brase according to WND.

Brase’s book is opening eyes to the problems of government interference in markets – especially the healthcare market.

There are serious dangers lurking behind the government’s $30 billion electronic health record (EHR) experiment. This omnipresent technology turns doctors into data clerks and shifts attention from patients to paperwork–while health plans, government agencies, and the health data industry profit. Patients who think the HIPAA ”privacy” rule protects the confidentiality of their medical information will be shocked to discover it makes their medical records an open book.

“Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records,” desription.



  1. Another aspect of the Communist Agenda to enslave the population.

    We used to be free

  2. EHRs are the bane of medicine. My doctors spend five minutes with me and fifteen minutes telling the insurance companies and government (sometimes the same entity) about my visits.

  3. It’s why my doctor left privat practice. I miss the high level of care.

  4. We save over $700 per month buying our meds outside of the US. Buy 6 months at a time and the savings covers the cost of the trip plus a few grand a year.

  5. I hear this from my primary care physician, too.
    And on top of that, Obamacare requires EMRs but does not allow reimbursements for the extravagant costs of implementing these expensive computer systems. Some run hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    And, unlike other businesses, doctors can't pass these costs along to patients, through "fuel surcharges" like my garbage company does. Imagine seeing that on your doctor bill: " EHR surcharge."


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