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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Nolte: Every Witness Named by Accusers Sides with Kavanaugh

The two women making sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh claim to have witnesses, but so far, all of their witnesses back Kavanaugh’s claim that nothing happened.

It might be difficult to remember this as Democrats and the media throw around phrases like “second accuser” and “attempted sexual assault” and “exposing himself” against the Supreme Court nominee. But the facts are still the facts, and every single witness named so far by both accusers say they witnessed nothing of the sort.

The first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is accusing Kavanaugh of attempting to assault her at a house party in 1982 when she was 15 and he was 17. She named three people who were at the party: PJ Smyth, Mark Judge, and Leland Ingham Keyser.

By submitting their respective statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee, all three witnesses did so under penalty of imprisonment, and all three have zero recollection of the house party in question.



  1. Anyone else find it odd that the only women that are accusing him are democrats? I guess that is not really odd. Just the agenda they are trying to push.

  2. Doesn’t matter. Two republican turncoats will cash in. Take note of them and watch them over the next ten years

  3. What a poor excuse for a circus.

  4. Come on how about lets just end this circus


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