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Monday, September 24, 2018

NO ONE Backs Up Her Story.

Christine Blasey Ford has claimed that four other people attended a small gathering at which she was allegedly assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. Three of those people, PJ Smyth, Mark Judge, and Kavanaugh, have already denied any recollection of attending such a party.

On Saturday night, Leland Ingham Keyser, a classmate of Ford's at the all-girls school Holton-Arms and her final named witness, denied any recollection of attending a party with Brett Kavanaugh.

"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," lawyer Howard J. Walsh said in a statement sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

CNN reports that " Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's."



  1. A Hillary snowflake follower need we say more.

  2. What, the Dems can't find somebody to pay off to lie?

    I'm waiting for a fake VHS tape to emerge with out-of-focus figures wrestling on a bed for twenty seconds.

  3. NO ONE Backs Up Her Story.

    Except for CNN, MSNBC, et al.

  4. Oh right, except for that pesky polygraph test that confirms that she is telling the truth.

    1. Haven't you heard. Someone who lyes all the time and believe their lyes can pass a poly.

  5. Disgusting SMEAR campaign of a good man!

  6. Because it didn't happen. She's a liar. There's an old yearbook picture of her floating around. She was (and still is) a manly ugly looking thing so there is no way in hell Judge Kavauagh or any other boy of that age would have touched her with a 10 ft pole. She's also a democrat so that means she lies constantly and about everything.

  7. So 2:45, please remind us why polygraph test are not allowed in court. You pesky know it all. Also, while you are at it please remind us why we even have a court proceeding. I always thought it was because you are innocent until proven guilty. In this accusation (not case) it won't be necessary because charges haven't even be placed. Just a drunk political hack doing as told and paid. What else you got?

  8. 2:45 - apparently you are an armchair or TV detective and no nothing about lie detectors and their accuracy/inaccuracy. There is a reason they aren't admitted in court.

  9. 2:45 polygraph test do not record if you are telling the truth or a lie. That is why they are not allowed in courts. Know your facts before you spew out misinformation. You have to be one of those "bullying" Democrat Socialist Anarchist. Where is the substantiations of these lies? That will prove that she is lying or not.

  10. Who is paying for her Lawyers and paying her to spew out hatred? George Soros and company.

  11. Guys that know her say she was the class slut, and anyone could have her back then.

    1. Her history seems to indicate that.

  12. Students of hers say she is a wreak in class. Her teaching methods are crazy, and she is nuts.


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