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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Nike Laid Off 1.4K American Workers Last Year, Outsourced Factory to Honduras

The multinational Nike corporation has a long history of outsourcing jobs, manufacturing, and production to the lowest wage foreign countries around the world, including China, Vietnam, and Honduras.

Last year, alone, Nike laid off about 1,400 American workers in its headquarters town of Beaverton, Oregon.

Phil Gold, who had worked for Nike for 15 years, told Oregon Live at the time of the layoffs that the corporation had no regard for the job that workers were doing and that the layoffs were all about executives cutting costs.

“They definitely targeted tenured, experienced employees as a money-saving thing with very little regard for how the work is going to get done. It wasn’t about performance,” Gold said.



  1. show me the money, just do it

  2. The Kohls Nike shoes you rednecks buy arent going to make or break the company lol.

    1. I bet you wear fake gold chains and fake gold teeth along with your pants hanging below your thug Ass.

  3. buy Under Armour...MADE IN THE USA!!!

  4. And that makes Nike different from which large US corporation?

  5. I haven't bought Nikes in years and it looks like that trend will continue into eternity.

  6. I hope they go broke.


  7. So Colon can get a gig sewing shoes in Honduras and get off the unemployment line. Sweet.


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