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Monday, September 24, 2018

Multiculturalism killed the Swedish utopia

Horrific statistics show that Sweden, once a country where one could walk the streets at night safely, has become a crime-ridden country with no-go zones. But connect that with Muslim migrants at your own peril.

On August 30th, Sweden hosted the first “women only” music festival in the world. Entry to Gothenburg was forbidden to men. It was a “safe zone” reserved for women, trans and “non-binary people”, as they call them.

The idea came to comedian Emma Knyckare a year ago, after the Bravalla festival ended with numerous complaints of sexual violence. And many of those cases involved refugees.

Now Sweden is preparing for the “most important elections in history” and the “women's solo concert” illustrates well the crisis of that “moral superpower”, as the New York Times calls it.

In recent years, Sweden has been proud of its humanitarian profile, being the country that has received more refugees per capita and spent more on them in relation to GDP than any other. For the first time since 1917, the Social Democratic Party, which has formed governments in 80 of the 101 years since the introduction of democracy, risks being undermined.

But the current crisis is not only political, with the rise of the Swedish Democrats. It is above all an identity crisis. “Sweden is joining the rest of Europe”, the former Prime Minister Carl Bildt said with melancholy.

In a country of ten million inhabitants, in 2017 there were 320 shootings and dozens of assaults with grenades (Molotov cocktails were also launched against synagogues and Jews now hide their symbols in the streets). As reported by the London Times, 36 percent of Swedish women admit they do not feel safe at night. Paulina Neuding, an internationally renowned Swedish journalist born of a Jewish family who emigrated from Communist Poland at the time of persecution there, said that Sweden is experiencing a “crisis of sexual violence”.



  1. Their hearts are bigger than their brains.

  2. 205
    Sounds like a good John Prine song.

  3. Black Muslims from Africa are ruining their country.

  4. 8:40 they are ruining the world everywhere they go!

  5. Was it the "get the politicians first" comment??
    Or was it "everyone has a rifle", followed by "get the politicians first" comment?
    just wondering......


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