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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Most Voters Say the Media Treats Those Accused of Sexual Assault — Like Brett Kavanaugh — Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Not Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Most American likely voters think the media rushes to judgment in public cases involving sexual assault. This seems particularly unfair involving the turbulent accusations surrounding Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

A full 56 percent of likely voters said that the media presumes the guilt of anyone accused of sexual assault, according a Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey released Monday.

Rasmussen Reports asked voters, "When a public figure is accused of sexual wrongdoing, which is more likely — that the media will regard him as innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?"

Only 28 percent said the media will regard an accused public figure as "innocent until proven guilty." Another 17 percent said they were not sure.

Ironically, the claims often have a partisan dimension. In recent weeks, Christine Blasey Ford (herself an anti-Trump activist) accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of having abused her 36 years ago, and Karen Monahan accused Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) of abusing her.



  1. They treat everybody but a Democrat Politian like that. Why don't the Media find out about the slush fund the Politians created that pays off their sexual accusations / crimes? How much is in this fund? How much has been paid out of this fund, itemized list? What Politians have withdrawn from this fund? Who received this money and how much? Why are these Politians still in office or drawing a pension?

  2. That is because the MSM is a tool of those who seek to control us and sell to us. The media is a part of intelligence. It does what it is instructed to do. And say. And write. It is a part of the communist government which rules over us and steals our money.

  3. The media is always more concerned with being first instead of being right.

  4. Why do female politicians feel Kavanaugh is guilty. Are they afraid to go against their party or against women voters? They can't be that gullible in believing Ford.

  5. They never treated the rapist Bill Clinton like he was guilty.


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