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Friday, September 14, 2018

More Route 50 Bridge Repairs Needed

OCEAN CITY — The potential threats associated with Hurricane Florence this week briefly halted a State Highway Administration (SHA) project to repair failing sections of concrete on the underside of the Route 50 Bridge, but the project is expected to resume next week.

Earlier this week, SHA crews began repairing and replacing sections of failing concrete on the underside of the Route 50 bridge. Technically, the term is “spalling,” which essentially means concrete that is breaking up, becoming flaked or pitted and typically caused by environmental issues and exposure to the elements.

SHA spokesman Robert Rager said this week crews began working on the concrete sections this week and the project will be a lengthy one.



  1. Keep "puttin" lipstick on that pig.

    Rickie and City Hall have told SHA they want another span along Route 90 BEFORE replacement of the Route 50 bridge. Make Route 90 a priority 1!
    SHA says sure...but there isn't any money!

    Keep kicking that can down that road Richard and Co.

  2. IMO theere should be two Route 90 bridges and then close down the Route 50 one to save $SS

  3. That bridge needs to be replaced, period.

  4. They should close the rt 50 bridge and downtown inlet to cars. Foot traffic and mopeds

  5. All bridges in Maryland need replaced
    This state on their bridges are a joke

  6. There is a railroad bridge near the Wal Mart in Fruitland that needs to be repaired or replaced. It has a huge piece of concrete missing from it. One day a train will go across it and it will collapse and the train cars will tumble down the bank into the roadway and kill someone. Those cars could be filled with fuel, caustic chemicals or who knows what. I'm going to try and get a photo of it and post it here. I believe it is a catastrophe waiting to happen that can be prevented.


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