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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Michigan Official: Ban Bullet sales by anyone but Police

A commissioner in Wayne County, Michigan, is pushing a bill that would outlaw ammunition purchases from anyone other than police.

The commissioner, Reggie Davis (D), also wants to tax the bullets that police would sell.

Fox 2 quoted Davis saying, “I’m tired of turning on the news every day and watching you report stories over and over again, killing each other. It’s got to stop somewhere.”

His solution is to require gun owners to buy their bullets from police and to pass a “mental health check” before being allowed to complete the purchase. Moreover, he wants to tax the bullets for funds to fight gun violence via education.



  1. Hang him and put a sign around his neck....
    "He thought he got to distribute our rights"

    Make sure his face is bloody and torn. Take a picture. Make it part of our national flag. Open up every TV news show with 30 seconds of a still photo of that traitorous goof. For FIFTY YEARS.
    You cheerleaders better understand this -- when people like him get done with the Second Amendment, they will start working on the others, too.
    Soon after, a LETTER to the editor, critical of their methods, lands you (and you family) in prison.
    Churches get banned. Newspapers not toeing the line get shut down.
    Public assembly for causes they don't like will be cause for your killing.
    Oh yeah. a really good one here -- the Gestapo show up to beat and arrest you because, last night in your living room, you said something terrible about our current dictator. They have you on audio/video feed.
    If that is not the future you want, then PLEASE stop cheering so loudly for it....


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