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Monday, September 24, 2018

Medical Malpractice Deaths over 500 Times Higher than Accidental Gun Deaths

Medical malpractice deaths in the U.S. are over 500 times higher than accidental gun deaths.

A Johns Hopkins University study covering eight years of data found there are at least 250,000 malpractice deaths in the U.S. annually. CNBC reports the Johns Hopkins University study presents malpractice deaths on the low end, since other studies show malpractice deaths exceeding 400,000 a year.

On the other hand, accidental gun deaths hover around 500 a year.



  1. Like they say here at PRMC, "We bury our Mistakes"!

  2. Populations do not take over governments because they have medical issues.

    They do it because they have guns.
    They can.

  3. So we should outlaw doctors and legalize guns? Make up you mind.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Like they say here at PRMC, "We bury our Mistakes"!

    September 24, 2018 at 5:03 PM

    That's right. Those chuckleheads killed me twice, but not the third time.

  5. I have found out that every one in Salisbury dies of a heart attack no matter what. When coroner finally appears at a death site the cause of death stated is heart attack. Anyone else notice?

  6. I've notice doctors purposely misdiagnosed patients for years before the true diagnosed is made making it too late to treat. Noticeable with cancer patients. Get check if you suddenly start losing weight and feel fatigue. Doctors today don't give a damn about their patients. Furthermore, your doomed if you don't have insurance. What pisses me off about health care in this country is, the government spends a lot of money on illegal immigrants, drunks and dopefends. They are noticeably pushing the sick and elders off mountain cliffs. The one percenters will survive.

  7. Well tell that to Liberal PRMC ER Physician Kerry Forrestal.


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