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Monday, September 17, 2018

List of Things You Shouldn't Microwave

If it's possible to microwave it, someone has tried it. Here are objects you might consider microwaving, but shouldn't. You'll get fire, toxic chemicals, or a ruined appliance.
of 07

CDs and DVDs

As a general rule, if it's not food, it's probably better not to microwave it. However, you can get a cool plasma display and an interesting effect from microwaving a CD. The problem is, you could also get a fire, release toxic fumes, and ruin your microwave. Of course, the CD will never work again (although this might be a plus, if it's a Nickelback album). If the risk doesn't deter you, I have microwaved a CD and have some tips to minimize the risk.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking that this was a dumb article, until I remembered how many dumb people there are.


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