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Friday, September 07, 2018

Lie detection system developed for use at U.S. border

University of Arizona engineers are developing a cutting-edge lie detection system with the hope of putting it to use at the U.S./Mexico border.

The Automated Virtual Agent for Truth Assessments in Real-Time or AVATAR system records facial expressions in real time with the help of its multiple sensors to determine whether the subject being questioned is being truthful or not.

The system records the subjects voice, body, and eye movements in order to make its determination.

More here


  1. Is it multi-racial and take into consideration every nuance of every national origin?

    1. Read how the brain works when lying.

  2. 12:33pm heck no. It will be like drug dogs. Even though they are only right 40% of the time if lucky. It will be an excuse to search anybody and everybody!!! Welcome to the police state!!!


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