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Monday, September 24, 2018

Liberal Logic


  1. Did you know, Dr. Ford's being advised by a woman by the name of Ricki Seidman. Who, you say? The woman that helped block Bork's confirmation, and talked Anita Hill into falsely testifying about Clarence Thomas. Ms. Seidman worked in the Clinton and Obama white houses, as well. Partisan smear campaign!

  2. Liberal logic is that voters could have gotten rid of Kennedy every time he came up for re-election. They chose not too. Kavanaugh is being selected for a lifetime appointment with no recourse by the electorate. He should (and must) be held to the highest standards.

  3. Yes, this just reinforces the idea of killing the victims off so they can never talk later.

    I always wondered why Bill didn't have their Kill Squad do in his victims. Give them the old Vince Foster treatment.

  4. Democrats are all foul people and local ones like Mathias and Hughes or Sample whatever her name is should be ashamed to be associated with that party. It only shows their own lack of any character and morals. It's the party of liars and deceivers.

  5. He has been all of his life to high standards 11:01, now the false accusations roll in he is still top shelf. Well he still is in the eyes of good people.

  6. 11:01 Isn't there an impeachment process for that very reason? We should do this Nancy Pelosi(and democrat) way. Vote it through and then read whats in it.

  7. Dave T: Good one ! So true.

  8. Democrat BS is more like it 11:01. Just because the electorate chose to not get rid of the lying vulgar pervert kennedy didn't mean the democrats in Congress couldn't have held him to a higher standard. It's just because there isn't a democrat alive who is a good person. They are all lying garbage.

  9. 11:01...by "the highest standards", do you mean anyone and everyone nominated for public office needs to step aside no matter who or what accuses them of whatever they can make up today?
    She can't say where it happened, is naming people who say they don't even know her, and has NO PROOF, WITNESSES, OR EVIDENCE.
    Maybe we should be thinking about some higher standards for HER.


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