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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Levi Strauss Forms Gun-Control Group with Bloomberg

Levi Strauss announced on Tuesday it would be creating a new gun-control group with billionaire Michael Bloomberg and donating millions of dollars to a collection of established gun-control groups.

The clothing company said it would be partnering with Everytown for Gun Safety and Michael Bloomberg to form Everytown Business Leaders for Gun Safety in a blogpost on their website. It also said it would set up the Safer Tomorrow Fund, which Levi Strauss said would direct more than $1 million over the next four years to "fuel the work of nonprofits and youth activists who are working to end gun violence in America." The company went on to say it would begin doubling the amount it matches for employee donations to gun-control groups aligned with the fund and pushed employees to use their five hours a month in paid volunteer time at the gun-control groups.

Levi Strauss said while they had already requested customers not carry firearms in their store in 2016 and had supported gun-control initiatives in the past, they felt they needed to become more politically involved in the issue.

More here


  1. I guess nike and levi want me walking around naked.

  2. So, no more Levi’s for me. The BRAND is overrated and overpriced anyway.

  3. Whelp that settles that, no more supporting Levi's!!!

  4. No more levis for me. If they suport disarming the USA

  5. No more Levi's for me.

  6. shame on Liberal Levi

  7. That's it for Levi's and my family....

  8. I'm looking forward to a naked husband 😋

  9. No more Levi jeans

  10. No problem, I'm done buying their products.

  11. Maybe its time to think about legally getting rid of the billionaires. Taking their money would spruce up the Social Security fund!

  12. It doesn't seem to me that a company getting involved in politics is a very bright move.


  13. Good riddance to Levi's, Dockers and any other brands they own I find out about. Thanks for making the decision easy.

  14. Thank you Levi. I cant wait to see all these good looking men naked and barefoot. You should have open your stupid mouths a long time ago. Your earnings will be lost but we ladies will gain by seeing some nice naked behinds.

  15. Quit buying their over-priced, paper-thin, fall-apart garbage over 20 years ago.


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