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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Laura Ingraham: I've known Kavanaugh for 25 years -- If this can happen to him, I tremble for our country

It’s 1991, all over again.

By now, most of you are familiar with the eleventh hour charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford, a Palo Alto research psychologist is claiming that when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, he made unwanted advances to her at a boozy house party. She claims that he tried to force himself upon her.

Kavanaugh released a statement today emphatically denying the charges for a second time, saying "This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes -- to her or to anyone." But the 10 Democrats on the judiciary committee were unanimous in their calls to delay Kavanaugh's scheduled Thursday vote. And some weak-kneed Republicans, no shock there, like Flake and Corker, joined those calls.

But there are holes in Ms. Ford's version of events. The 2012 notes from her psychotherapist mentioned four men involved in the assault on Ford.

Now, the accuser says it was only two men. Nowhere does Kavanaugh's name appear in those notes. And both Kavanaugh and the only other witness deny that the event ever occurred.

Ford claims that she decided to come forward at this moment out of "civic responsibility." But the timing, suffice it to say, is curious. Senator Dianne Feinstein had a letter from Ford detailing these allegations back in July. But she chose not to share it with the FBI or to raise it in 32 hours of public hearings, and of course, one hour of a private meeting with Kavanaugh. So why?

Well, this all has the whiff of a political smear masquerading as a sexual assault allegation, one that 36 years later, let's face it, cannot either be proven or disproven. It is impossible to prove a negative and questioning Ms. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh on this matter, it is unlikely to reveal anything new.



  1. We all do right now! Especially if you follow Q.

  2. You Laura or any of you other conspiracy theorists go trembling when you spread every false attack, rumor, or fictional claim against Obama? Dont get me wrong, I think this Kavanaugh thing is a bunch of bull. Give the man a vote. Just reminding you guys that the chickens have come home to rooste

  3. 7:16 Yah, ok, the chikens.


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