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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser

The woman who accused U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., of domestic abuse released on Wednesday what appeared to be a medical document from 2017 detailing the abuse allegedly caused by the congressman.

Karen Monahan, an ex-girlfriend of Ellison, published the document on social media just days after saying the Democratic Party “smeared” her and threatened to isolate her over her allegations against the deputy of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

A doctor wrote in the medical document that Monahan “states that she was in a very stressful environment for years, emotional and physical abuse by a partner with whom she is now separated.



  1. How does it feel? I believe her because she has evidence. Ford not to believed. After reading a Washington Post article about her I believe she is mentally unstable. Spoiled rich kid. Didn't get the attention in college that she got at the parties in Maryland and just couldn't accept reality. She needs a "head doctor" not the FBI.

  2. Ford is lying found old Facebook page where she said someone should come forward to accuse Neil Gorsch of rape.

  3. she needs to go on fox.

  4. Where are all the democrat leaders with their "I believe her!!" BS???
    Here's PROOF and they don't even look.

    Two Sets of Laws.

    Keep cheering.


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