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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyer: It’s Not Her Job To Corroborate Her Story

Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims.



  1. So sorry this is all taking place. It is obvious to me that the only thing that matters is that Kavanaugh, viewed by the left as a conservative justice, not be confirmed to SCOTUS at any cost. The democrats on the judiciary committee should be ashamed and embarrassed at this thinly veiled attempt at indignation. What I really don't get is how very intelligent people who vote for these moon bats can keep on doing so.

  2. I guess because of the '#metoo' era we are to take what she says as being the whole, absolute truth and ignore the fact that the other person she claims was her 'rescuer', who says it never happened, as being insignificant? She can not narrow it down to an exact year and approximate month!

  3. She's right because in this society if a woman makes a claim against a man he is automatically guilty and it is his job to prove his innocence not her's to prove his guilt

  4. It's called evidence. You know, that stuff that judges and juries actually use to determine the worth of a court case.

  5. It is painfully obvious Ms Katz is a moron.

  6. It is not Kavanaugh's job either. Shut your mouth Katz you attention ore.

  7. If she doesn't - then Justice Kavanaugh shall be presumed innocent....until proven guilty....it's in that constitution document that the libs want to destroy - by preventing Kavanaugh's confirmation!

  8. It is her job to put up or shut up it's called morality you do not speak out on something as big as this and ruin a man's reputation and get the right to keep quiet only when it suits you.


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