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Friday, September 28, 2018

Judiciary Committee Asks for Audio-Video of Christine Ford’s Polygraph – Her Atty’s Refuse, Saying “It’s Not Important”

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s attorney Beth Wilkinson went on CBS News on Wednesday morning.

Wilkinson told CBS the lawyers for Dr. Ford have not turned over the results of her lie detector test or her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Christine Ford is scheduled to testify under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning.

Note the first question by liberal reporter Nora O’Donnell:

Nora O’Donnell: Is the evidence mounting against your client?

Beth Wilkinson: No, I wouldn’t say that, Nora. As you know those are statements that were made relatively recently and sadly this is an allegation from almost 36 years ago. And there was at the time no report which is understandable. But the first time these allegations came to light as far as we know from reading the reports in the media, Dr. Ford told her therapist and told her husband. They announced that there were notes and there was a lie detector test but as I understand it they did not turn any of those over to the senate committee even though they were requested. So, the information that would have shown what she said at the very first time when she revealed these allegations have not been turned over to the senate.



  1. Hopefully the FBI can obtain them. I want to see her attorneys nailed. Also what was in the envelope handed to fordsF attorney - money. FBI do your job please.

  2. It's not important because the examiner never asked her directly if she was lying. She was also never asked if she had been coached, or if she was being paid.

  3. She was being deceptive, she had been bought and paid for by the Dems.

  4. The FBI needs to investigate who leaked her letter. I imagine it would reveal Sen. Feinstein is behind the 'leak'.

  5. apparently it was important enough to enter into the "record" so it should be "fair game".

  6. Is she or he members of a secret international Fraternal Organization?

    If one of them is a member, would that information be relevant?

  7. It will be a short video they said they only asked for two questions on the polygraph


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