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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Judge puts Yellowstone grizzly bears back on the endangered list, sparing them from a planned hunt

The grizzly bears of Yellowstone National Park will be spared from a proposed trophy hunt, thanks to a ruling by a federal judge.

The ruling, filed Monday, effectively places the Greater Yellowstone grizzly -- the grizzly population native to areas around the park -- back on the Endangered Species list, which means they will receive special protections. It will also spare the bears from a planned hunt in Wyoming and Idaho this fall.

In the ruling, US District Court Judge Dana Christensen says the decision was not made with any kind of political stance in mind. Rather, it was an action taken in light of the 2017 decision to remove the Greater Yellowstone Grizzly from the Endangered Species List.


  1. We have enough extinct animals and birds thank you Judge for looking out for a future that our children and grandchildren can appreciate. We do not need to kill off every species for wall decorations and trophies.

  2. Need to add Christians, white American's, and Conservatives.

  3. A wise decision. With all the pressures on our natural resources, these great beasts work marvels to benefit whole ecosystems. If you doubt me, look up trophic cascades. There is a wonderful book on the topic by George monboit, titled Re-wilding.


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