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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Joe Biden Refers to Trump Supporters as “Dregs of Society”

This is worse than Hillary’s infamous “deplorables” comment

“Forces of intolerance” and the “dregs of society,” Biden said, “remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you have all made. This time, they, not you, have an ally in the White House.”

This is worse than Hillary’s infamous “deplorables” comment.



  1. Why do we put up with him. He is very dumb. Thanks for the upgrade to dregs of society. We will make sure we come through and elect Trump 2020. He lives in a fancy. Where is my chauffeur; did the maid clean today my sick robe smells funny; who gave the chef the day off; my barber is late again; the roses are fading because the landscaper couldn't see them for the forest. Poor Biden. "We are dregs" that don't fit in his world. Congratulations Biden the dregs just voted for Trump. MAGA

  2. get over it Joe. You are no longer the main face for the dems. Your time passed and you missed the boat.

  3. I'm proud to be a 'dreg'!
    Almost as proud as being 'deplorable'.
    Because if Hillary had been elected, i would have been called much worse,
    like maybe a 'socialist'.

  4. He never said that stop with the fake news

  5. That old man must have be a punk when young. Probably bullied as a child because looks and acts like a fruit.

  6. I believe Biden to be a pervert sicko..There are many videos of him touching little girls inappropriately and more than one parent pulling their child away from him.Also there was information made public that he assisted his son in obtaining a sweetheart China banking deal while he was vice president and they traveled there on Air Force 2. I would not vote for Biden for any position.

    He is the dredge. There has been comments by a female secret service agents who were assigned to him that he was a exhibitionist swimming in the nude in their presence.

  7. Stay retired in DEL Joe...for the love of all of us...stay away!

  8. I'm sure Buffoon boy would make things so much better. At least we would get a good laugh every couple days from some absurd and/or stupid comment he would make.

  9. And what do they call Joe Biden supporters? Nothing, there aren't any.

  10. No Joe Biden we are not the dregs of society, you are. We do not make unwanted advances toward women in public places nor do we grope them, like you. How dare you call anyone names anyway, you dirty old man.


  11. Slow Joe is wrong, as usual.

    The sticky wicket in totally discounting the comment is that he voluntarily worked 8 years with and for Barry Dunham Obama Soetero, and the rest of his criminal ensemble and thus has extensive first hand experience with the actual "dregs of society".

    Slow Joe needs to get a grip, or more likely a grope.

  12. If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, well then, .....

  13. Just like usual, Democrats accusing opposition of exactly what they themselves are guilty of. Everyone knows Democrats make up the low class of the totem pole. No decency, criminal minded, low education, ghetto language, no integrity, liars, all the nutcase special interest groups flock to the party even if they hate each other. They are fools like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jefferson Lee, ignorant racist hate baiters like John Lewis, Keith Ellison and Elijah Cummings all elected in specially carved out districts that guarantees their election. Then there’s the perverts like Bill Clinton and uncle Joe here, Anthony Weiner, etc, tax cheats like Al Sharpton, Charlie Wrangel, Communists Cory Booker, Ben Jealous. The members and elected politicians of the Democrat party are all enemies of America!

  14. He has lost all of Americas respect, his son would even be ashamed that he has stepped into the fray, name calling, bashing, diarrhea of the mouth. He is just like John Cain yesterdays fodder for the birdcage.

  15. A real peach, isn't he?


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