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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Is Dianne Feinstein the Most Corrupt Senator in the United States?

On top of her McCarthyite smear of Judge Kavanaugh, she’s closely tied to both Chinese and Russian operations in the United States.

To date, only one fairly obscure member of Congress has asked our intel people—in this case, the FBI--to look into the alarming case of a Chinese agent becoming her office manager and personal chauffeur. An excerpt from Rep. Jim Banks’ letter to FBI Director Wray:

It has recently come to light that U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, employed a staff member who was using his position to secretly report information to the Ministry of State Security in China. Given the type of information Senator Feinstein had access to and China’s position as a top foreign adversary of the United States, this revelation is alarming.

The Chinese agent is apparently working without annoyance in California. Feinstein is running for reelection. I wonder if he is planning to vote for her.

Banks asked for an investigation and a briefing. That was last month, and I haven’t seen anything since. Have you? Yet the “news” is chock-a-block with thousands of column inches on an unknown event alleged by an unknown woman who claims it happened when she and Judge Kavanaugh were in high school 35-40 years ago.



  1. all Democraps are the scum of the earth

  2. 90% of Democrats are corrupt and makes every effort to destroy our Democracy. If not why are they attempting to bully everybody who opposes them and their beliefs. How come the Democrats and their donors support ANTIFA, a corrupt Nazi organization that flies the "secret" Hitler Nazi society? How come they or their supporters support the anarchist groups they are attempting to over throw our Government? How come they are attempting to destroy our Constitution and the rights for all legal citizens of the US?

  3. Feinstein's chances of being reelected were probably already in the toilet, so now she's going for broke.

  4. Very well could be. Her husband is complicit...follow the money.

  5. Dave T: With a government that looks more like a cesspool than an actual government, I find this to be a tough question. Not sure. There are many competing for that slot on both sides of their filthy isle.

  6. Instead of trying to figure out who is the most corrupt, try to find one who isn't

  7. Hang all Socialists.

  8. Not Fooled....Bob AswellSeptember 18, 2018 at 4:01 PM

    Because of the life I've led I'm probably NOT going to reap a Heavenly reward as foretold in the good book.
    So I'm going to ask the Devil if I could be the one that comes to Earth when common bastards like her are nearly dead and stand by their bedside and be their personal escort to Hell where EVERY one of them winds up. I think that would atone for the multitude of sin I amassed in my life because of the GOOD it would do. If he does, the World is "finally a winner".
    Not fooled....Bob Aswell

  9. There's many of them

  10. If she is, then it is only because Biden is no longer a Senator.

  11. Hell yes. She worst than a privileged white male. There all corruptible.

  12. Why doesn't she give up already. Who can take her seriously - she falls asleep during important meetings. Maybe she slept through the Kavanaugh hearings and woke with the accuser's letter.


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