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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Immigration to U.S. from Third World, Islamic Nations Skyrockets Since 2010

Census Bureau data reveals that America has greatly increased immigration from the third world and Islamic regions within the last seven years

Legal immigration from the third world and Islamic nations has skyrocketed the most since 2010, a new analysis finds.

Census Bureau data analyzed by researchers at the Center for Immigration Studies reveals that America has greatly increased immigration from the third world and Islamic regions within the last seven years.

Since 2010, foreign countries with the largest percentage increases based on the number of legal immigrants they are sending to the U.S. include:



  1. It makes sense they let our armies in 3rd world countries and we give their people visas

  2. Soros plan to destroy the world HANG HIM.

  3. Destruction from within our own borders

  4. Even the port in Wilmington Delaware, is coming under the control of muslims. We are going to pay dearly for all this.

  5. @September 23, 2018 at 1:48 PM, Your damn right. Even Osama Ben Laden said we would be attacked from within.


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