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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Immigrants dropping out of government aid program over fears of losing green card eligibility

Immigrants have begun dropping out of a federal aid program out of fear that relying on government support could hurt their chances of obtaining a green card following the Trump administration's reported plan to make those dependent ineligible for permanent residency, according to a report published Monday.

Health providers who oversee WIC — a federal nutrition program for pregnant women and babies — in 18 states have noticed a decline of up to 20 percent in the number of people filing for help, Politico reported.

The Trump administration is planning to amend the public charge rule that has allowed the government not to grant admission to the U.S. or permanent residency for legal immigrants who rely on government assistance. The provision is expected to be expanded to include all family members and could affect illegal immigrants if a pathway to citizenship was offered to them in the future.



  1. Good!!!!! If the illegals were to get the hell out of here, we would be saving so much money in schools and everywhere else it would be like bill clinton was in office with his surplus at the end... I did say it WOULD BE LIKE, not that it is or should be...

  2. As it should be. Get a job, assimilate.

  3. Unexpected beneficial consequences

  4. good!, now use all that money that is being saved to BUILD THAT WALL!


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