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Monday, September 17, 2018

Hypocrats Who Decry ‘Dark Money’ Coordinate With Dark Money Group

Senate Democrats have decried support from "dark money" groups for President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but they have been silent on their own coordination with a group that promised to spend at least $5 million against his nomination.

As the Senate Judiciary Committee's scheduled vote on Kavanaugh nears, advocacy group Demand Justice has increased pressure on Senate Democrats to announce their opposition to the nominee. The group hopes their stated opposition will serve to pressure Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Susan Collins (Maine) to join them.

Brian Fallon, the former senior adviser of the Super PAC Priorities USA, became the executive director of Demand Justice earlier this spring to fight Trump's "takeover" of federal courts. He originally pitched the idea for the group in April, months before Trump nominated Kavanaugh, during the spring conference of the Democracy Alliance, a wealthy liberal donor network that funnels millions of dollars into approved political groups.

Weeks before Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced plans to retire, Demand Justice launched a "Ditch the List" website and digital ad campaign targeting Trump's potential Supreme Court nominees.

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1 comment:

  1. You see how much the democrats lie and deceive. Nothing new


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