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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Huge Upset for GOP in Texas: Seat Flips Red For First Time in 139 Years

In a major upset Tuesday night, voters elected a conservative political newcomer to the Texas Senate, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years.

Retired game warden Pete Flores defeated former state and U.S. Rep. Pete Gallego in the runoff election for the Senate District 19 seat in San Antonio, further increasing the Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections. Flores will replace Democrat state Sen. Carlos Uresti, who was forced to step down in June after being sentenced to 12 years in prison on federal fraud and money laundering charges.



  1. People are becoming more conservative as the left moves more radical. Myself included.

  2. Looks like a Red Tidal wave is building!

  3. "Flores will replace Democrat state Sen. Carlos Uresti, who was forced to step down in June after being sentenced to 12 years in prison on federal fraud and money laundering charges."

    More evidence that Democrats are crooked, corrupt criminals.

  4. Hey Mr. Blue Wave Yap Yap....no comment? Awfully quiet from your direction! Have another funnel cake with syrup at Sunfest!


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