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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How Feinstein is conspiring to destroy Brett Kavanaugh

Democrat leaders and their liberal aides, along with professional agitators, are all intermingled and conspiring together to achieve the same objective — in this case, to spike the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Hill Republicans claim Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein engineered the kneecapping of Kavanaugh from both inside and outside Congress — and they have a strong case, though Feinstein insists she merely dealt cards she was handed.

For starters, they argue that Feinstein, who is the top Democrat on the Senate committee vetting Kavanaugh, orchestrated an “11th-hour ambush” of the conservative nod by withholding a letter from the committee’s Republican majority alleging sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh until the day the panel was preparing to take a vote to confirm him — almost two months after receiving the letter and well after the vetting and hearing process.

“You chose to sit on the allegations until a politically opportune moment,” a furious Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) scolded Feinstein in a letter dated Sept. 19.

“I cannot overstate how disappointed I am in this decision,” he added. “It has caused me to have to reopen the hearing.”

Grassley suggested that the last-minute allegations were “deployed strategically for political gain.” Democrats are hoping to delay the hearing until after the Nov. 6 congressional elections to give them a chance to win back enough Senate seats to defeat Kavanaugh.

Indeed, Feinstein said, “We should delay this hearing.”

But Republicans point to other skulduggery as well.


  1. When are these idiots going to learn to just say "NO" to these actors and go on with real business as usual.

    Republicans need to quit playing softball and start playing hardball with these knuckleheads, which is all they are.

  2. Why is this old career bitty still at the peoples trough?

  3. Another prime example of why we need term limits!

  4. Why is she still in Senate she had a spy. Throw her out!


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