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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Graham: 'What Am I Supposed to Do? Go Ahead and Ruin This Guy's Life Based on an Accusation?'

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he will give Dr. Christine Blasey Ford a fair hearing if she does appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, but he indicated that her case is weak.

"And here's what I told my colleagues, this accusation has to be looked at in terms of our legal system. It's too old for criminal trial, it's 36 years old. You couldn't bring a civil suit because you can't tell the court what time it happened and where it happened," Graham told "Fox News Sunday."

"And if you try to get a warrant based on this, you couldn't get a warrant because the three people named by Dr. Ford as having been at the party outside of Kavanaugh all say they don't know what she's talking about. So, you couldn't go to criminal trial, you couldn't sue civilly. You couldn't even get a warrant. But I will listen to what she has to say."



  1. They don't file charges so they don't get charged with perjury then just lie all they want.

  2. so, why was Monday off the books for testimony? She's had 35, 36, 37 years to recall every move, reliving it every night in dreams! Why is Tuesday not a good day? Or Wednesday? Why not? What makes Thursday the magic day? Oh, that makes for a whole week delay in the confirmation until this second floozy gets to have her(e)say. What a bunch of CRAP this whole thing is!


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