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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Goodlatte: 'We Are Working Right Now to Schedule' Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Sally Yates

"We didn't waste the August recess," Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News's Mario Bartiromo on Sunday.

"We interviewed a number of key witnesses, including Bruce Ohr. And now we are proceeding to get additional documents from the FBI and line up additional witnesses."

Goodlatte, referring to the witnesses, said his committee is "digging them out one at a time. And we're making a lot of progress."

Bartiromo asked him, "Are you going to be able to interview people like (former Attorney General) Loretta Lynch, (former FBI Director) Jim Comey, (former Deputy Attorney General) Sally Yates before the midterm elections?"

"We are working right now to schedule them," Goodlatte replied.



  1. LOVE it get it Done.

  2. Schedule the hangings before elections too.

  3. I hope and pray every day for the curtain to come down on Hillary and her gang.




  4. Have the tailor from the orange jumpsuit company ask for their sizes shortly before testimony begins. Composure check!

  5. Cook the clock until it runs out. They know what they are doing.

  6. What Goodlatte fails to understand is recesses are for reps to go back to their districts and find out what their people want. That’s how the framers designed it. Reps are supposed to have real jobs in addition to their jobs in DC. Don’t you think it’s time to revisit those days and quit the quit pro quo DC has degenerated to?


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