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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Georgia school reinstating paddling to punish students

A school in Hephzibah, Georgia, is drawing national attention after sending consent forms to parents informing them of a new policy of using paddling as a form of punishment for students, CBS affiliate WRDW-TV reports.

The Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics (GSIC), a kindergarten-through-9th-grade charter school, is bringing back paddling — spanking a child on the behind with a wooden board — as a form of discipline. Superintendent Jody Boulineau told WRDW that about 100 parents sent back the forms, and one-third gave the school consent to paddle their child.

"In this school, we take discipline very seriously," the superintendent said. "There was a time where corporal punishment was kind of the norm in school and you didn't have the problems that you have."

Boulineau said parents can deny giving permission to the school. The form sent home explained the steps the school would take to discipline children with a paddle. "A student will be taken into an office behind closed doors. The student will place their hands on their knees or piece of furniture and will be struck on the buttocks with a paddle," the form, which was obtained by WRDW, reads. Students will be paddled after their third offense. The form also says "no more than three licks should be given."



  1. The Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics. The name is a little ironic; bringing classical disciplinary measures back can certainly be seen as an innovation after its absence.

  2. Awesome long overdue.

  3. This is getting national attention....it will NOT happen!

    1. Thank Goodness it was happening at my house and ALL OF MY CHILDREN ARE SUCCESSFUL plus never been in trouble with the law or drugs. They respect authority and have a sense of personal responsibility

  4. Don't forget to drill some holes in it too
    No resistance

  5. Yeah everyone says that until their Johnny gets an ass beating and then they cry abuse. Every teacher in Delmar High School use to have a paddle hanging on the wall.The shop teacher made them and they would make you grab your ankles and fire your ass up and make you sign it. A very good man and teacher was taken down by outsiders after he gave their asshole kid three licks and sent him home with a red ass and they cried foul. In my day you'd get three licks at school and when your folks found out six at home. They are all now precious little snowflakes like their parents that don't discipline them at all and give them phones to monitor their every where about. Give them the licks and tell them to shut up and sit up straight pay attention and be respective.
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. No one even suffered brain damage from an ass beating unless they already had their head up their ass.

  6. Wow....common sense has returned and apparently ground zero is in Georgia. Time to head south!

  7. Put the little b**tards to work in the berry fields to pay for their $300.00 sneakers too!


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