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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Friends say Maryland Rite Aid shooter was transgender and felt alienated, but 'wasn't a monster'

Snochia Moseley, 26, was at breaking point when she killed three people and herself in a shooting at a Rite Aid warehouse on Thursday, friends say.

Moseley opened fire at her workplace at 9.06am, after arriving at the distribution facility in Enterprise Business Park. She shot outside the building, before continuing her rampage inside.

Friend Toni Coley, who has known the woman since high school, told the Baltimore Sun Moseley often felt alienated, but she 'wasn’t a monster, wasn’t an angry person'.



  1. Was it a real man or a woman? Transgender means absolutely nothing to me.

  2. Why the big effort to make her look like a "victim "?

  3. I agree 7:29.Level the playing field and treat each person evenly according to the act they committed.No exceptions should be made.

  4. I completely agree that she is not "a monster".
    She IS just plain ol' batcrap crazy. A lunatic. Mentally disturbed. Very confused.
    But "a monster"? No.
    Monsters can stay on the streets. Crazy can get you put away. Put her away.

    1. Don't have to put it away. Its dead.

  5. Making excuses for a cold blooded murderer. How liberal!

  6. 1:52 Transgender is a fancy word for FREAK. In the good old days, they were locked away in hospitals till cured.

    Bruce Jenner is Trans. need I say any more?

  7. Just one mental illness leading to another...

  8. 10:34
    You are pretty much right - except for the few that didn't go to the hospital ended up on the midway at county fairs. (Remember "The Bearded Woman"?!)
    And to continue that thought, if anyone doesn't think this world has gone pretty much freaky, I used to pay "one thin dime - one tenth of a dollar" at the State Fair to go behind a curtain at a freak show and see a woman that had less tattoos than you see woman wearing today!
    You wonder why they don't have freak shows today. It's because they are out here among us!

  9. According to case search she was a female. She had recently been pulled over for having expired tags. The amount of tickets she received was absurd. I get people need to renew their tags and keep insurance but tacking on several hundred dollars in fines is ridiculous. She probably felt overwhelmed and unable to dig out from the debt. What she did was wrong but I guess with a mental illness and hopelessness this is what may happen. The police need to remember that the next time they get their jollies from writing so many tickets. You think it's cute to "sock it to them" but it might just push someone over the edge. It might even be a loved one that suffers from it.

  10. If the shooter were a white male and had all of the same issues as the "monster" that took the lives of innocent people you Libs would not be making excuses for him. Liberal logic makes me sick to my stomach. You Libs are all mentally ill.


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