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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: Trump was 'framed'

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Sunday that she believes various forces in Washington have conspired to “frame” President Trump and bog down his administration with scandal and controversy.

“Nobody is looking at the corruption. It’s all one-sided, the corruption on the part of the Democrats," Pirro told radio host John Catsimatidis in an interview on AM 970 New York. "This president was framed. It’s that simple.”

“I’ve been in law enforcement for over three decades. This guy was framed," Pirro continued. "The crisscrossing and the incestuous nature of our government in an attempt to prevent the outsider president that we wanted from getting elected is frightening.”

Pirro, a former judge and ardent supporter of Trump, echoed claims the president has made before that he was framed "for crimes he didn't commit."



  1. Democrats want to bring down Trump and if they destroy the US in the process they don't care.

    1. Exactly but demoncrat voters are to stupid to see whats happening in front of them.


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