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Saturday, September 01, 2018

Fired Naval Academy professor files appeal, former students defend him

Recently fired Naval Academy professor Bruce Fleming appealed his dismissal Tuesday, accusing the academy of trying to silence his public criticism of the institution.

He filed his appeal with the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which handles federal employee issues. Fleming’s attorney, Jason H. Ehrenberg, said it would take several months before a decision is reached.

“Quite simply, the Agency did not follow its own policies, rules and regulations in its investigation of Professor Fleming, in its proposed removal of Professor Fleming, and/or in its removal of Professor Fleming,” Ehrenberg wrote in the appeal.

Fleming has a history of clashing with academy officials. In 2014 he was reprimanded after an investigation concluded he retaliated against two female midshipmen who challenged his opinions on the academy’s sexual assault training program.


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