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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Fans Burn Nike Gear in Response to Colin Kaepernick's 'Just Do It' Ad Campaign

Nike announced its “Just Do It” ad campaign on Monday, featuring former NFL player and original anthem protester Colin Kaepernick. News of the campaign comes only days before the kickoff of the 2018 NFL regular season.

Nike tweeted:

However, this news was not welcome to all. Specifically, to fans who believe Colin Kaepernick has disrespected law enforcement, the military, the flag, anthem, and just about everything that makes America great.

As a result, some fans took to Twitter and took out their frustrations on their Nike gear:



  1. I have a really good feeling that there will be sneaker burning parties at football tailgates next week.

  2. Dave T: Very very disappointed to see Nike lower itself to this level. Disrespecting the flag is never acceptable not matter what you believe! Get some respect for this nation and the many who sacrificed so you could have the right to voice an opinion!

  3. Who even wears Nike's anymore ? Teenagers in NJ burbs ?

  4. They couldn't find a better rep like a veteran ect ?

  5. Nike is going to do just fine and sell more stuff than ever while some folks burn Nike stuff they already paid for. Smart move by Nike. Nike stock dropped 3% today. Hoping they drop another 5-6% then I’ll buy and make a nice profit in a few months. Just like the Target boycott was short lived. Target stock has never been higher.

  6. The Edsel, New Coca Cola, Target lets men use the lady's room, and Nike hires Kaepernick.

    The hits just keep on coming.

  7. Wasn't a good quarterback but an awesome company killer

  8. Sure doesn't effect my buying. I have never had anything stamped with NIKE. I'm not much on paying for things to advertise for the seller. Guess I'm plain Jane ole school.

  9. Never purchased or used a Nike product in my life. That being said, this 60+ plus year old geezer believes this will have little to no effect on Nike's bottom line as most of the buyers of their products are under 30 and of a like mind.



  10. Their ignorant customers will buy their stuff as long as they keep hawking it with their BB players. This move will not stick with them as a motivation.

    But those who are affronted, and there are many, will just stop buying, will destroy what they have purchased, dump the stock, etc.

    It's never a good idea to totally piss off over half of your potential (and previous) customers. We're completely done with any of their brands which include Hurley, Converse, Jordan and Nike.

    Colon Crappersack was a millionaire player who was no longer a starter when he pulled his stunt. Before the stunt he might have successfully asked to be traded or released and some lesser team might have taken the bait. The Broncos were actually interested afterward but wouldn't pay his self-infatuated price. He asked to be released and 49ers complied. He's out of football at his own request.

    Hope the trial lawyers for stockholders sue the snot out of Nike for debasing their brand.

  11. Old white guys won’t buy their products but old white guys weren’t their buying audience. All this hoopla just gets more people talking about them. Have you heard there is no bad pr? They’re going to laugh all the way to the bank.


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