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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Empty Seats Plague NFL Stadiums in Week One of Season

Week one of the regular NFL season kicked off this weekend with a wimper–the ratings were at a 10-year low.

Friday night’s Eagles vs Falcons game was hit with heavy rains which caused a delay.


Americans are fed up with athletes kneeling during the National Anthem and it showed–plenty of empty seats plagued stadiums on Sunday.

View of empty seats at Chargers vs Chiefs in sunny Southern California:



  1. If the kneeling and fist raising isn't stopped it's the way the attendance should fall, we have to take back patriotism and history.

  2. Good, glad to hear it. Keep those seats empty until they know how to act like Americans.

  3. Anyone that patronizes these overpaid kneeling assholes is a Traitor!

    Traitors need to be hung!

  4. One attendee, is one to many. Shame on all who attend!

  5. Like me, I think many others are over the NFL and what has become the prominent culture. Tie bow can’t take a knee, but protestors can. The double standard shined some light under a rock. I’m all about free speech, but this is about a public subsidized workplace. The NFL has tried to use its influence just like the accusations against Google. Also switching to Firefox for my browser. Done with undue influence.

  6. Seems like the owners are doubling down and will go down with the ship if need be but will not make their employees stand for the anthem.

  7. Citizens need to keep an eye out for politicians who will give the NFL a bailout when they start to go under.

  8. Say what you want about Jerry Jones, but at least he was the only owner to have the balls to tell his players if they want to be a Dallas Cowboy they will stand for the National Anthem.

  9. It shall continue until those old geezers start hurting in their cheap assed wallets.


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