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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Donald Trump Orders National Biodefense-Strengthening Strategy

President Donald Trump signed a memorandum Tuesday updating the U.S. biodefense strategy that he said will “strengthen our nation’s defenses against biological threats to health and safety.”

“The implementation of these actions will promote a more efficient, coordinated, and accountable biodefense enterprise,” President Trump announced Tuesday. “Taken together, they represent a new direction in the nation’s defense against biological threats.”

Trump continued:

The National Biodefense Strategy builds on lessons learned from past biological incidents, such as the 2001 anthrax attacks, the 2009 influenza pandemic, and the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic, to develop a more resilient and effective biodefense enterprise. Biological threats emanate from many sources, and they know no borders. They have great potential to disrupt the economy, exact a toll on human life, and tear at the very fabric of society. My administration will take steps to improve our understanding of the risks posed by biological threats and to respond to them effectively and efficiently.


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