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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Donald Trump: Democrats Want to 'Raid Medicare to Pay for Socialism'

Donald Trump criticized Democratic Socialists on Thursday for promising leftist dreams of universal health care through Medicare.

“They want to raid Medicare to pay for socialism,” Trump said during his rally in Indiana, as the crowd booed.

Democrats like Sen. Bernie Sanders and his endorsed candidates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Gillum have joined the fight for universal health care through Medicaid, and the idea polls well in their campaigns.

Trump warned that socialism would hurt the economy, citing the political and economic disaster caused by socialist policies.



  1. Going to take your 401k also in the name of fairness to the people that don't have one.

  2. Of course they do, and then they will raise the tax we hard working Americans pay to make up for what they stole. You can be sure it doesnt hurt their wallets because they dont pay that tax. They are exempt.

  3. Isn't preaching about "Socialism", kind of a type of a treasonous statement? It is advocating the overthrow of our current way of government, and that is treason.

    I guess no one will get prosecuted though, McCain, Hillary, Obama, Bin Laden, all talked about changing America and got away with it.

  4. Socialist need a reality check. Just pay them to go and live in Venezuela. It would be cheaper and better for all true Americans.

  5. Psssss. Medicare is socialism.



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