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Saturday, September 01, 2018

DeSantis Says His Use of the Phrase 'Monkey This Up' 'Has Zero to Do With Race'

Immediately after winning Florida's Republican gubernatorial primary, Rep. Ron DeSantis -- the candidate endorsed by Donald Trump -- was branded a racist for using the phrase "monkey this up" in connection with his African-American opponent.

The controversy was still thriving on Thursday morning, stoked by cable news shows, where indignation flared anew.

DeSantis, appearing on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night, said his "monkey this up" comment "has zero to do with race. It has everything to do with whether we want Florida to continue to go in a good direction, building off the success, or do we want to turn to left wing socialist policies which will absolutely devastate our state?"

DeSantis told Hannity:

"I believe people should be judged based on their ability and character regardless of race. But it's because of that that I know socialism won't work in Florida. It's not good for any race, color or creed. So this is not about race. This is about ideas and principles. And I'm not going to let the Democrats and Andrew Gillum try to obscure a debate about whether his tax increases, his single-payer health care plan, his desire to abolish ICE -- whether that is something that's acceptable for Florida. I don't think it is and I don't care what color you are."



  1. Florida residents if you want Social communism and raised taxes and open boarders Well vot for this Africa American we all seen how that worked with Obama and his Anti American crew.

  2. There is a montage of 20 democrat leaders using the exact terminology. This guy is a commie whether he is black or not - he is still a commie

  3. Obama used almost identical phrase and there was no controversy from these Socialist / Liberal / Democrats. What is the difference now? These Anarchist can use the word "monkey" as a verb but Conservatives cannot. Why is this only a "Black" thing?

  4. Why would anyone think the word monkey has to do with anything other than monkey. If you think otherwise you must believe some race appears to look or act like monkeys. Does the shoe fit?

  5. 1:40
    Well duh. It fits quite well for most of us with more than 2 brain cells.
    That is the whole point and hence, the origin of the saying. . .

    As it turns out, there are widespread reports of IQ scores which are significantly lower for various races. This is a reality.

  6. Growing up before PC, we used expressions like "well I'll be a monkey's uncle, quit monkeying around. Monkey see, monkey do. Never thought of it being racist. Guess we can't say "get your big nose out of my business without being called racist.

  7. It's the game democrats play. It's in their playbook. We can say whatever we want. But whity better not. Monkey it up means mucking it up. Which means messing things up. Hell even black democrats can understand that can't they?? I mean some are educated. Aren't they??

  8. "As it turns out, there are widespread reports of IQ scores which are significantly lower for various races. This is a reality."

    Well you just proved your point 3:37, some scores are lower.

  9. Dog whistle has been blown.


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