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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Dems retake wide lead over Republicans ahead of midterm elections: poll

Democrats have retaken a clear advantage over Republicans ahead of November's midterm elections on a generic House ballot, according to aWashington Post/ABC News poll released Tuesday.

In the poll, which surveyed registered voters, Democrats held a 14-point advantage, 52 percent to 38 percent, for control of the House this fall over Republicans, a jump from a 4-point lead in the same poll in April and similar to results seen in the beginning of 2018.



  1. Why is all the polls that shows Democrats have an advantage is always liberal progressive networks? They never give the break down of party affiliations of the ones they surveyed. They try to hide they survey 3 to 1 Democrats.

  2. WashPo... not exactly unbiased.

    Good luck with that poll.

  3. A poll from the lefty media that says the Dems are way out in front? Who woulda thunk it?

  4. If they keep saying that people will believe it.

  5. Yeh right more lies and deception

  6. Sorry but when you poll 879 voters out of 207,643,594 voters in the U.S. I do not consider this to be a legit poll. After all they polled the same way and had Hillary winning the Presidential Election. That did not come true either.Also most of Trump supporters do not deal with ABC and WAPO as they are anti-Trump. Polls are not anything I certainly do not depend on when I vote. This is just their way of trying to sway votes.

  7. Ah, the same pollsters who gave Hillary a 93% bet for the presidency. They delivered the "results" with the straightest of faces, too, right up to the end.

  8. Remember when Hillary said she should be 50 points ahead? LOL

  9. I remember from my college marketing class, there are several methods that advertisers use to get you to "buy". One of them is 'go with the crowd- everyone else likes it; you should too!"
    Liberal polls are no different. They seem to be designed to influence voters to get them to swim with the school.
    It can be done by wording the poll a certain way, choosing who to survey, etc. There's many ways to get the results you want.

  10. I don't believe any polls! Too easily manipulated.

  11. Media and polls trying to make everyone believe voters want socialism.

  12. It helps that 2.5 million dead voters are Democrats!


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