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Sunday, September 02, 2018

David Hogg Threatens to 'Destroy' Smith & Wesson If It Doesn't Donate $5M to Gun Control Research

While participating in an anti-gun march in Massachusetts over the weekend, gun-control crusader David Hogg posted a hair-raising and head-turning ultimatum to Smith & Wesson.

Hogg told the popular firearms and ammunition manufacturer, headquartered in Springfield, via Twitter, that it had to fund “gun violence prevention research” to the tune of $5 million annually and cease making certain black rifles or else…

Hogg and his posse of moonbat millennials would “destroy” S&W.

“We will destroy you by using the two things you fear most,” wrote Hogg. “Love and economics see you soon.”



  1. Doufus. He hasn't figured out yet, that his fifteen minutes of fame is up. As if that smarmy little toad could destroy S&W. fmtt.

  2. A 2 bit millennial wanna be famous puke that has found a way to see his name in the news. It won't be long and he will run for congress.

  3. his generation dont know what bathroom to use, and are the mass shooters we see monthly

  4. Go ahead make my day.

  5. Dave T: I hope S&W sticks to their guns this time. Hogg certainly is turning to be a "useful idiot."

  6. What does the turd plan on, buying them out? Lol

  7. Little Davy - SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!

  8. AGREE WITH 2:17 PM

  9. Throw him to the hogs

  10. Gun ownership should be a well screened entitlement. If you have nothing to protect but your opinions you probably don't need one.

  11. Good luck with that. I’ll go buy another one because of him.

  12. He can't start a lawn mower

  13. Sounds like they are planning more false flags.

  14. He just persuaded me to go and buy the S&W that I have been putting off.

  15. Why isn't this extortion?

  16. What a twit. Is this what he does for a living now?

  17. He will screw up major! He is a glory hound and needs something to happen and will probably make it up and get caught. Media will flip the script and drop him. All contacts will block his number and he will be back home.

  18. He is a little bully and so was the girl who was always on the news. She admitted she bullied the kid that did the shooting. Hogg acts the same.

  19. 4:39....and after that, what do you want?
    Some restrictions on our NEED to criticize something?
    Making certain religions illegal?

    The Second Amendment was written to give the people the power and THE RIGHT to put wanna-be dictators in a grave.
    NOT for "self defense" or hunting.
    To kill leaders who forget what they are and what they are supposed to be doing.
    Without weapons, we are at their mercy.
    Jefferson PREDICTED another revolution and he urged the killing of these Nazi bit**es.
    Of course, YOU are much wiser and smarter than he could be, right?

    Keep cheering

  20. Hogg is an intelligence asset, like his father.
    He speaks on their behalf so they should take the threat seriously.

    The US population must be disarmed prior to the currency collapse. Otherwise the society will not be controllable. It is simply a necessary part of the managed transition into the next global digital currency which is planned for the world.


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