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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Cynthia Nixon on getting single-payer health care in New York: 'Pass it and then figure out how to fund it'

In her quest to become New York’s next governor, Cynthia Nixon has advocated for a single-payer health care system in the state – something studies have shown would be a costly endeavor.

The proposed New York Health Act (NYHA), which would establish universal health care for everyone in the state, including undocumented immigrants, would require the state’s tax revenue to increase by about 156 percent by 2022, according to a study by the RAND Corp. But it also found state spending on total health care under NYHA would be slightly lower – about 3 percent – by 2031 than under the current system.

Nixon recently told the New York Daily News editorial board she did not yet have a plan to pay for single-payer.

“Pass it and then figure out how to fund it,” Nixon said.

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  1. That's the problem politicians now how to spend someone else's money but they are clueless on how to budget, if we need more just raise taxes who cares. Look at Wicomico county and Salisbury just throw money at it and it will take care of itself 😂🤣

  2. sounds like something Pelosi would say LOL !

  3. Where did we here this before?

  4. sounds vaguely familiar. see Nancy Pelosi

  5. Older folks called that a blank check. Something stupid you were taught not to do.

  6. Wow they just don't stop do they


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