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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Cory Booker reportedly beefs up Iowa staff, fueling speculation of a presidential run

Sen. Cory Booker is reportedly placing staffers in Iowa, further fueling speculation that the New Jersey Democrat is preparing to run for president in 2020.

Booker made headlines earlier this week when he challenged Republican senators to launch a motion to expel him from the chamber after publicly revealing emails related to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court marked "committee confidential."

However it was later revealed that the documents were previously approved for release by the Senate Judiciary Panel, raising questions of whether Booker purposefully misled viewers of Kavanaugh's hearing. The episode led Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, to retort that chamber rules must be adhered to even if a lawmaker is running for president.



  1. Is this turd trying to be another Obama?

    He's starting out right - with his head up his @$$!

  2. Taunting is outlawed in sports to maintain civil harmony. Booker should learn from this, that is if he is smart enough. To date, he has not shown that.

  3. You want to see the spark for a civil war? Electing this moron to the highest office in the land would do it.

  4. This clown revealed his true colors and ignorance at the Supreme Court hearing last week.

  5. I can't wait until Trump rips crooked eye apart.

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA. Thanks for the pick-me-up!!!!!!

  7. Sit down Spartacus. As a matter of fact, have several seats.....


  8. Spartacus for President? With T-Bone for VP? More popcorn, please!


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