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Saturday, September 08, 2018

Cory Booker Releases ‘Bombshell’ Emails That Prove Kavanaugh Is Against Racism

Sen. Cory Booker called himself “Spartacus” Thursday morning during the Senate Judiciary hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh after releasing documents that were confidential to the committee and not intended for public release.

Booker declared to the Senators in the room that he was prepared to lose his position for the breaking of rules: “I am, right now, before your process is finished — I am going to release the email about racial profiling. I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate.”

Soon after the grandstanding moment, Booker’s team released the documents.



  1. Booger the Lying cross eyed jersey commie socialist who thinks he is going to be president.

  2. Booker is a dull tool.

  3. This clown is an embarrassment to his family and the citizens he represents.

  4. He wants to be Colin Kaepernick

  5. And he LIED by pretending he was going against Senate rules to make himself look good. But just like every single other democrat alive he excels at nothing except LYING. Every democrat should be so ashamed but they aren't. This because they are all the lowest form of life. They are all dishonest immoral uncivilized wastes of oxygen. The contribute nothing but problems to society.

  6. lol...Kavanaugh had a black roommate during law school. Kenneth Christmas, lifelong Democrat, who testified in SUPPORT of Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 9/7/2018.

  7. No...he wants to be the next Obama.
    Good luck with that.

  8. Booker represents NJ - enough said!

  9. How can you trust him to be a leader of our country if he doesn't abide by the laws. What a jerk.

  10. I hope the Senate does their job and kicks him out of the Senate, but they are weak pu$$ies. I bet if Booker was a Republican he would already be gone.

  11. I've been reading that Cory Booker will be telling everyone that he is a Homo when he runs for president in order to capitalize on that.

  12. Spartacus was a great gladiator, a great military tactician and a mighty warrior in defense of his people who died for his people's freedom. Mr. Booker may think he's Spartacus. But, he is truly wrong. He just another man in politics pretending to be that man who thinks he can led he's people to the promise land. He's an imposter who's playing a fake politician for his own self gratification. To think he think of himself as Spartacus is insulting.


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